Group Intervention Training Program Module III
Sun, Sep 23
|Gestalt Institute of Cleveland
Faculty Allison E. Bruce MEd, PCC J. Rick Day, MBA, PhD, PsyD, ABPP Daniel Goldstein, MSW, LCSW Richard B. Hancock, MA, GPCC™, PCC, BCC Mary Ann Kraus, PsyD, BCC Melissa S. Kelly-McCabe, MS, MCC, GPCC™, BCC

Time & Location
Sep 23, 2018, 1:00 PM – Sep 27, 2018, 4:00 PM
Gestalt Institute of Cleveland, 1588 Hazel Dr, Cleveland, OH 44106, USA
About The Event
Would you really like to make the most of your group facilitation skills by being able to walk into a room full of strangers with confidence and make a difference with your presence as an instrument in supporting transformation in the individual participants and the group as a whole?
This advanced, capstone experiential offering is being presented at the request of previous participants who desire to go one step further to demonstrate mastery in use of self as an integrated heart, mind and soul. Here is your opportunity to bring forth and further hone your unique style. You will manage the process of building ground with “random participants,” explore and hold multiple perspectives in the field, and make impactful interventions.
You will also have the opportunity to get “real-time” feedback from a knowledgeable facilitator coach. A one-hour debriefing is offered at the end of your facilitation experience to assist you in identifying examples of strengths that were consistently demonstrated as well as recognizing additional growing edges.
Upon completion of this workshop participants will be able to:
Review Gestalt concepts and principles, as they apply to work with groups;
Discuss the methods for working with resistance/persistence at the individual and group levels;
Recognize the developmental phases of group process;
Apply principles of embodiment within the group for deeper learning;
Develop interventions that emerge from areas of strength;
Practice creating interventions to integrate multiple perspectives; and
Demonstrate the ability to choose among possible interventions in order to support more effective connection and development of individuals and the group, as a whole.