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Individual Counseling

Entering into counseling is a big decision and takes courage! My approach to individual counseling focuses on holistic path to achieve vitality in life.  A primary goal I use with my clients includes supporting my clients to develop a greater awareness of their strengths when addressing challenges in life. 


I believe counseling is most successful when we embrace all the parts of ourselves and increase our ability to move choicefully through life, rather than continue to repeat patterns which can disrupt our vitality.  


I specialize in working with individuals who have struggled with difficult and traumatic childhoods, PTSD, concerns related to attachment, somatic complaints or physical aliments causing distress, survivors of sexual violence, and women's issues.  


I welcome any client who has interest in developing a greater relationship with their interior and exterior worlds, increasing personal awareness as a pathway to healing,  or would like to improve the quality of relationships in their life.  



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